Healthcare is a Justice Issue
Healthcare is a Justice Issue
May 2022 may be the first time in my 57 years that I’ve deeply appreciated the arrival of spring. Yes, spring officially began in March but it was still a […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
At our houses of worship, things have looked different for a while. Many faith communities and their health ministries have mobilized in unprecedented ways to keep their communities healthy and […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
With every seat in the NC General Assembly being contested this year, the Nov 6, 2018 midterm will have effects lasting decades. Of the many issues at stake, recent polls […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
The NC Council of Churches was recently awarded an eighteen-month grant to promote compassionate solutions, based on health and human dignity, to the opioid crisis in North Carolina. This work […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
The staff of the NC Council of Churches is delighted to welcome Josie Walker and Karen Richardson-Dunn to the Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW) team. Josie Walker is the […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
If you do not have insurance through an employer or other group plan, the Affordable Care Act continues to provide an option. Though battered, up to and including, appeals to […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) continues to be one of the most divisive laws passed in the United States in recent history. After several failed attempts by Congress this year […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Would you be Surprised to know 97 percent of online pharmacies are illegitimate? The North Carolina Council of Churches has joined with Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and the Secretary […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
PHW-certified congregations across North Carolina are eligible to apply for a mini-grant to assist in furthering their commitment to health and wholeness. Mini-grant application periods are open twice a year; […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW) offers an annual certification program to congregations across the state. Churches participating in PHW actively demonstrate their commitment to improving their health as well […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
By Kaitlyn Brodar, PHW Intern As the health lead for Concord UMC in Graham, NC, Donna Poe spends most of her time in the garden. Even as we were talking, […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
By Kaitlyn Brodar, PHW Intern I recently had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Norma Boone, the health lead at Corinth AME Zion Church in Siler City, NC. The church […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
By Kaitlyn Brodar, PHW Intern St. Philip’s Episcopal Church is a gold-level PHW congregation in Durham, North Carolina. While the health ministry team and pastors have promoted health in a […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
By Kaitlyn Brodar, PHW Intern The Soul Harvest Apostolic Church is a gold-level PHW congregation that has been certified since 2012 and is firmly committed to healthy eating. They have […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Date: Proper 20 – Sep. 22, 2013
Topic: Mental Health Care
Focus Text: Jeremiah 8:18-9:1
The church must not forget either the biblical witness to suffering or the reality of Christian hope while caring for those who are mentally ill. Rather, the task of the church, in general terms, is both to suffer with and also, at the same time, to hope for those caught in the tangled web of mental illness. The first, to suffer with, is extremely important. “Weep with those who weep,” the scripture tells us (Rom 12:15); and yet the need of those who are mentally ill is so complex, the chasm so apparently deep and dark, that many would prefer, like priests and Levites, to pass by on the other side of the road (Lk 10:31-32). Christ, however, enters that chasm and commands us to follow.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
I finally had the chance to go my first Moral Monday earlier this week. Walking around Halifax Mall with our Executive Director, George Reed, I was struck by how many people we both knew. I’m deeply proud of the involvement by clergy and faith communities in particular. So many of our members are represented not only in the crowd but also in the faces of those participating in civil disobedience and getting arrested. As we celebrate Independence Day this week, we give thanks not only for the many freedoms our country offers, but in particular for the countless faithful voices speaking up and speaking out for those who are being pushed to the margins by this General Assembly.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Rev. Linda Walling, Executive Director at Faithful Reform in Health Care and Nicole Dozier, Assistant Project Director at the NC Health Access Coalition offered this compelling and insightful workshop on the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) at our 2013 Legislative Seminar. You can download and listent the podcast above.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
From Acts of Faith: Free Lectionary Resources for Prophetic Worship
Date: 4th Sunday after Easter – April 21, 2013By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Click here for a free download of our new 2013 social justice study for Lent: Preparing the Way. This simple 10-page document combines traditional Lenten themes and Bible passages with contemporary issues including hunger, care of creation, and immigration. We invite you to join us in this season of reflection and preparation.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Farm labor ranks as one of the top three most dangerous occupations in the United States. In addition to hazards in the fields, farmworkers and their families face unique burdens on their physical and mental health. North Carolina’s leading industry is agriculture, yet farmworkers are among the most underserved residents in the state.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Farmworkers are some of our nation’s most vital workers, as their labor enables us to enjoy high quality, low-cost, fresh fruits and vegetables all year round. Despite farmworkers’ economic and cultural contributions to the communities where they live and work, they continue to be the some of the lowest paid, least protected, and unhealthiest workers in the United States.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
This comprehensive, intergenerational curriculum focuses on the food we eat and why it matters. Featuring 7 lessons with Scripture, prayers, resources, and activities for young children through adults, “Eating Well” will challenge and inspire your church or community group. Download your copy today.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
The Council has long been touting the benefits of community gardening in both urban and rural settings alike. Community gardens offer healthy local foods that are often more nutritious than their grocery-story or food-bank counterparts. Gardens also help community members become more active, and they are a great way for congregations, local organizations and neighborhoods to collaborate together. Last Sunday the Raleigh News & Observer highlighted this growing movement, using the example of Highland United Methodist Church.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
In a recent edition of Please Note, Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina interviewed Dr. Kathy Shea about her work as director of NC Interfaith Power & Light.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Key Fact: Over 1.5 million North Carolinians ages 0-64 do not have health insurance. That is approximately 1 out of every 5 people in our state. Children account for over 280,000 of the 1.5 million uninsured.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Last Saturday I got to meet Cecilia. She used to work in North Carolina’s tobacco fields, but that left her with health problems. A mother of five children, now she’s […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
On a blustery March day that saw snow flurries up in the mountains, more than a hundred people gathered at Black Mountain’s First Baptist Church to talk about food, faith […]
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
On Friday and Saturday last week, about 180 people gathered at the 2011 Come to the Table conference in Winston-Salem. Bringing together pastors, lay leaders, experts in the fields of hunger and sustainable agriculture, entrepreneurs, farmworker advocates, and many others. Conference workshops were held on Friday, with site visits and practical tours on Saturday.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Tomorrow, the NC Council of Churches’ Rural Life Committee will convene our third biennial Come to the Table Conference. With meetings across the state over the next three weeks, the conference offers resources for faith communities working to relieve hunger and support local farms.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Congregations across the state are now taking part in the North Carolina Council of Churches’ Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW) Certification Program, demonstrating that their bodies are God’s temple by eating healthier, being more physically active and reducing the impact of smoking on themselves and their neighbors.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
More and more North Carolinians are getting involved with community gardens. Through our Come to the Table program, the Council’s Rural Life Committee has been promoting this work for the past few years. We’ve been visiting gardens, leading workshops, sharing best practices, eating delicious local food and making friends across the state.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Farm labor ranks as one of the top three most dangerous occupations in the United States. In addition to hazards in the fields, farmworkers and their families face unique burdens on their physical and mental health. North Carolina’s leading industry is agriculture, yet farmworkers are among the most underserved residents in the state. This colorful and easy-to-read fact sheet was designed for congregations and community groups. Download a copy today.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Welcome to our worship resources for Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW). PHW is an ambitious program of the North Carolina Council of Churches designed to help people of faith to see health — their own health — as an issue of faith and to take action that will lead to healthier and more abundant living.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
At the North Carolina Council of Churches’ Partners in Health and Wholeness Program, we want to help people of faith and congregations become healthier. What better way to help people become healthier than by helping them prepare healthy foods? Not only do we want to show you how to cook healthy foods at home, we want to offer you recipes to use at church events, too. Our objective with this cookbook is to highlight healthy recipes for large groups. Our hope is that you will use these recipes to help feed your parishes, that they might receive spiritual and bodily nourishment at church.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
The North Carolina Council of Churches’ Partners in Health and Wholeness program held its 2010 Faith and Health Summit in March, drawing together nearly 250 participants to learn about integrating health practices and strategies within faith communities.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
These congregations have demonstrated that, as people of faith, they strive to live an abundant life of health and wholeness by naming a congregational health promoter, serving healthy food and beverage at church meals, and reducing the impact of smoking on themselves and their neighbors.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Unfortunately, the childhood obesity epidemic is drastically affecting North Carolina. In 2009, North Carolina ranked 14th worst in the nation in childhood overweight and obesity for children ages 10-17, with more than one-third (33.5%) of our children being overweight or obese.
Also in this Raleigh Report: Domestic Violence, Environment, Gambling, Health, Housing, People with Disabilities, Public Education, and more.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Wilmington Star-News
How do you fix lunch for a hundred or so fellow worshipers at your hometown church – and still keep the dishes low in calories, salt and cholesterol? The N.C. Council of Churches might have the answer to your problem.By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
NC Policy Watch
In the 21st Century, we must no longer view Church as a semiweekly activity that occurs within the confines of a physical structure with four walls and a pulpit. Instead, we must take our message of hope, justice, unity and peace to the wider community, and, yes, even Capitol Hill! I believe that real change happens when various groups – public and private, secular and religious, progressive and conservative, privileged and disadvantaged, old and young, black and white – work together to achieve a common goal.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
The summer’s “short session” of the North Carolina General Assembly convened on May 12, a continuation of the 2009 session. Its primary task will be to adjust the 2010-11 budget adopted last year, though it can also take up bills that made it through one house last year, bills coming from study commissions, and bills amending the state Constitution.
By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Raleigh News & Observer
As followers of Jesus Christ, a healer known as the Great Physician, as believers in a God who loves and cares for all of his children equally, we at the N.C. Council of Churches are profoundly grateful for passage of health care reform legislation by the U.S. House of Representatives.By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Durham Herald-Sun
Opinion: Many of the noisy detractors who rail against universal access to affordable health care are the same folks who loudly proclaim a pious faith and claim ethical superiority on other issues. Maybe they should listen to other religious voices on faith and ethics, voices of those who spend their lives studying the scriptures and serving people seriously impacted by our current health-care system.By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Rev. Deborah Patterson
Babylonian captivity. I believe we are there again, both literally and figuratively. We are literally in Babylon as American troops serve in an unending war in Iraq, the new name for that land. And, working with parish nurses, daily I hear stories which attest that we are figuratively being held captive by a health system that excludes millions, bankrupts millions, and keeps millions in jobs they despise but need for health insurance. Doctors are held captive by reimbursement plans that penalize them for spending more than 7 or 8 minutes with patients. Nurses are held captive by staffing patterns that keep them working longer shifts, with more and sicker and patients to care for. Churches are being held captive by health insurance costs that prevent them from being able to call full-time pastors.By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
Rev. Cliff Frasier, First Congregational Church, UCC (Washington, D.C.)
In the policy-making reform-world, we may talk about health care as a “right.” In the economic world we may talk about health care as a cost or even as a profit. [“p-r-o-f-i-t]. In the health-care-delivery world, the social-work-world, we may talk about health care as a need. But in our faith world, let us also talk about health care as a responsibility. As a moral responsibility. To care for God’s creation — for ourselves, for each other. Let us talk about not-providing-health-care as a failure in the realm of moral-responsibility. In other words, to the degree we allow within moral reasoning the category of . . . . “sin” . . . let us allow the failure to provide healthcare to be understood in just that way.By Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
· by Chris Pernell, Director, Partners in Health and Wholeness
The Study Committee on Tobacco was formed by the NC Council of Churches in response to a dilemma faced by the citizens of NC. On the one hand, mounting medical evidence links the use of tobacco with numerous health problems. On the other hand, the long established tobacco economy is threatened. The tendency in NC has been to avoid or ignore the dilemma. Farmers, agribusiness people, manufacturers and distributors of tobacco products, as well as state officials, have found it difficult to deal directly with he crisis precipitated by the increasing pressure of negative health data.
Partners in Health & Wholeness
27 Horne St.
Raleigh, NC 27607
(919) 828-6501
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