Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW) is designed to bridge issues of faith, health, and justice. We embrace our PHW community fully, whatever their theological lens, while we ourselves undertake our work from the perspective that all people — no matter the societal labels placed upon them — are God’s beloved children, made in God’s image, and deserving not only of personal well-being but of dignity and equality. Therefore:
- Following Jesus’ example of healing the sick and abandoned, and feeding the hungry, filling them with “good things,” we believe that access to affordable, quality health care, as well as nutritious and affordable food, is a universal right.
- Differences in physical and cognitive able-ness, as well as neurodiversity, should be celebrated rather than seen as a source of “less than” or shame.
- Faith communities have the responsibility to destigmatize mental health and prevent toxic language; mental health concerns do not define the entirety of a person.
- We believe in the evidence-based philosophy and practice of harm reduction — that people who use drugs should be met with understanding and compassion rather than blame and stigma; that substance use is a spectrum, and is not a moral failing; that those who use substances are “expert” in their own lives.
- The second chapter of life should be seen as a positive, sacred journey that leads deeper into our relationship with the Divine, rather than one of decline and fear. Further, the elders in our society should be offered respect, understanding, care, and friendship; their well-being should be secured.
- God’s Creation should be honored and protected; we must remember that the health of human beings and that of Creation are inextricably linked.
- No one should fear physical, emotional, or spiritual abuse or harm — based upon their race, social/economic status, religious belief/practice or lack thereof, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship status, or physical and mental capabilities — especially by those in positions of power and authority.