The scope of the services offered by the Kerr Tar Area Agency on Aging is broad and flexible to maintain and expand the quality of life for our seniors. They provide assistance for seniors who:
- need information,
- desire the benefits offered by a certified multipurpose senior center,
- need assistance to remain in their own homes,
- reside in a long-term care facility.
In addition, they are a resource center offering assistance or training support for their caregivers or other family members.
Offerings include:
- Caregiver respite voucher program
- Resources for older adults
- Emergency preparedness
- Evidence-based health promotion programs
- Family Caregiver Support Program
- Family Caregiver Support Resources
- Information and Options Counseling
- Medicare Programs (including SHIIP)
- Long-term Care Ombudsmen
- Planning, Administration and Advocacy
- Regional Aging Advisory Committee
- Kerr Tar Senior Games
- Senior Tar Heel Legislature