Rev. Jessica Stokes, PHW Associate Director, Mental Health Advocacy
Krista Westervelt, PHW Associate Director, Healthy Aging
Partners in Health and Wholeness is excited to announce our new inclusion plans for Mental Health and Healthy Aging. We hope your faith community and health ministries find them empowering and inspiring.
Inclusion Plan FAQs:
- What is a PHW Inclusion Plan?
Inclusion Plans are intentional, strategic plans that support a health ministry’s outreach, programming, relationship-building, and overall impact. These plans ensure that all people are welcome and included.
- Why are inclusion plans important?
Inclusion plans help faith communities and health ministries identify areas for growth in living into the work of creating Beloved Community.
Inclusion plans assist our faith community partners into more fully embodying the core values of PHW and our mission.
How do inclusion plans benefit your health ministry?
Inclusion plans offer inspiration and fresh ideas for starting, expanding, and sustaining your health ministries in a more inclusive way.
Inclusion plans provide evidence-based frameworks.
Planning tools balance structure with flexibility for meeting your faith community’s needs and goals.
To learn more about the Mental Health and Healthy Aging inclusion plans and to start implementing them in your faith community visit click here. You can also heck out our recent Sacred Conversation on these plans here.
For specific questions and support related to the Mental Health inclusion plan, contact Jessica at
For specific questions and support related to the Healthy Aging inclusion plan, contact Krista at