Caswell County Senior Services Mission:
- To “enrich the lives of Caswell Senior adults by responding to their diverse needs and interests.” Their goals are to provide recreation and educational opportunities as well as fellowship for Caswell County citizens 55 plus years of age. Some programs may have ages that vary, such as the nutrition programs which mandate that clients are 60+ years of age.
Caswell Senior Services is a one-stop department for individuals 55 years and above. The department is located in the Caswell County Senior Center which is often described by visitors as the “nicest Senior Center they have ever seen”.
The Senior Center provides a variety of workshops, activities, and events designed for seniors including exercise, health classes, screenings, medication management, Alzheimer’s information, painting classes as well as local and long-distance trips. Caswell County seniors annually qualify to participate in the North Carolina Senior Games with locally hosted games at the Senior Center. Onsite there is a fitness facility and computer room. We strive to offer activities to interest everyone and continue to add new things to meet suggestions and requests.
Other clubs and groups call the Senior Center home including the Senior Clef Choir. The Choir meets weekly and performs regularly throughout the region at nursing homes, churches and events.
The Caswell Senior Center is the only congregate meal site in the county and is the hub of the Meals on Wheels program. Meals, catered by Golden Corral, are served on-site and delivered by volunteers to homes of housebound seniors on weekdays. Participants must be 60 + to participate in the meal program. Volunteers can be of any age and are always needed to help deliver the meals.
The Caregiver program provides information and support to those caring for individuals 60 and older. A monthly support group, annual Health Fair, and Candlelight Vigil in honor of individuals affected by Dementia are just a few of the services available.
The Caswell Senior Center is a designated SHIIP site to assist with Medicare enrollment and insurance questions. Free Legal Services are available by appointment through North Carolina Legal Aid.
Information and Referral
Health Promotion
Medical Transportation
Caregiver Support Program
Energy Assistance
Medicaid/Medicare Benefits (SHIIP)
Job Training Placement (NCBA)
Telephone Reassurance
Durable Medical Equipment
Food Distribution
Tax Preparation Counseling
Legal Services
Congregate/Home Delivered Meals
Veteran Services