Have you noticed what happens when you step outside? Your breathing regulates, your mind clears, sometimes a solution to a thorny problem strikes in a eureka moment. The health benefits of being outdoors are documented and scientifically proven. Those benefits include lowering blood pressure, better mental clarity, improving overall health, and preventing the development of chronic conditions. Take a look at this list from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
I used to spend a lot of time outdoors, much more than I do now. For years I’ve been aware of the NC 100-mile challenge, but never kept track of the amount of miles my family and I completed hiking, walking, and swimming. This year, my son has signed on to complete a long distance trek with 11 other scouts. It seemed like a good time to find out more about the NC 100-mile challenge. My son could train and we could do what we love as family, be outdoors.

Now, there is a lot of overlap between the resources I use personally and resources I share with congregations. It’s no surprise, then, that I immediately thought of all the wonderful congregations we work with across the state. This made sense. It could be completed anywhere in NC. Physical activity is one of the PHW cornerstones and we could all do this together. So, we have the PHW Experience NC 2018 in the NC 100-mile Challenge. What does this mean?

We are inviting congregations across NC to participate by having a minimum of 10 people from each church complete 100 miles outdoors for 2018. It seems only fair that our staff does this with you to show our support and live what we believe! The benefits for us and your congregation are immeasurable. The NC State Parks has a great page listing these benefits. Additionally, there are prizes and badges! Prizes and Badges, people! Not to mention, the opportunity for your congregation to receive $1000 if the challenge is completed. Find all the details by clicking here.
I’m in, if you’re in. Our staff has already gotten started. We had to make sure we had a chance with some of you hikers out there!
More questions? Contact Nicole Johnson at 828.767.0181 or via email at nicole@nccouncilofchurches.org
We love the North Carolina State Parks!