The Partners in Health and Wholeness (PHW) Summer Mini-Grant Cycle is now open. Mini-grants are a great way to support programs in your health ministry that engage church congregants and fulfill a health need in the church and surrounding community.
Mini-grants are open to any worshipping community that has applied for or renewed membership to the PHW Collaborative within the past year. If you have applied and been approved for a mini-grant after April 2017 you are not yet eligible to receive another mini-grant. Priority is given to projects that address one of PHW’s four cornerstones: healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco prevention and cessation, and mental health. Our partners have used grants to fund a variety of initiatives, including health fairs, community gardens, healthy snacks for youth, creation of walking trails, mental health first-aid trainings, purchase of tobacco cessation signs, and much more. We have developed a guideline of example mini-grant projects to assist your faith community when filling out the mini-grant application. To access this list, click here.
You are eligible to request up to $1000 to fund your initiative. The application will remain open until June 30th. To learn more about mini-grant requirements and to access the mini-grant application, click here.
If your congregation is not a member of the PHW Collaborative, we encourage you to submit an application to join. The PHW Collaborative is a network of congregations and faith communities throughout the state of North Carolina promoting health and wholeness in their communities. To learn more about the benefits of joining the PHW Collaborative, click here.
If you have questions about the PHW Mini-Grant application or the PHW Collaborative, please call or email your regional coordinator, or reach out to our PHW Program Associate, Michelle Peedin, at, or 919-428-7220. Additionally, please browse through our PHW Collaborative and Mini-Grant FAQs here to learn more.