The garden at Conetoe Family Life Center in Conetoe, NC is more than just about growing food; it’s about changing mindsets, bodies, and redefining food equity power structures.
In response to the racialized history that keeps many blacks from farming and the health crisis experienced by many folks there, Reverend Richard Joyner says, “When I came back to the land, I had to deal with my anger. And I’m still coming through that process. But for me, working in the garden has been a healing place.”
Rev. Joyner is a strong catalyst for the Family Life Center. He has dedicated his pastoral ministry not only to servicing the spirits of his congregant members but helping them build healthier physical bodies.
He has recently been honored as a 2015 Top 10 CNN Hero. You can find that exclusive interview here.
We are proud to have Reverend Richard Joyner’s church as one of our Gold Certified congregations. We are humbled at the extent to which the message of faith and health is spread through efforts such as his and other people like him.
This year’s Top 10 CNN Heroes, including Rev. Joyner, will be honored during “CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute,” Sunday, December 6.