As you may remember, I pledged to make some healthy lifestyle changes of my own. I stated that these changes would be incremental so as not to be overwhelming and make me contemplate giving up on them. In addition, I shared that these changes and the results were a journey and not a destination; they are a new lifestyle.
So far so good. I have lost about 10 pounds in a couple of weeks just by adding more fruits and vegetables to my diet. I hate to use loss of weight as a measuring stick because the real benefit is my increased energy level and noticeably better mood. The weight loss is simply a byproduct of the lifestyle change.
It has been easy for me to change meals when I eat by myself. For instance, when I am on my way out in the morning, instead of stopping by a fast food restaurant and grabbing a biscuit and a drink, I grab a banana, apple or an orange before I leave home. Making a fruit smoothie for breakfast is also an option. Most notably, I like a banana, blueberries, and a little yogurt for a start in the morning.
The pledge I have taken with Partners in Health and Wholeness is an obtainable goal with short and long-term benefits. I challenge you to sign the individual pledge on the PHW website.
–Johnny Rogers, PHW Intern