District 38 representative Yvonne Holley recently visited the offices of the North Carolina Council of Churches. She came to express her support for one of the Council’s newest initiatives, The Partners in Health and Wholeness Breastfeeding Collaborative. Rep. Holley is pictured above with the Collaborative’s project director, Marnie Cooper Priest, and with PHW Coordinator Willona Stallings.
The project is committed to educating women on the benefits of breastfeeding, recognizing that faith communities are in a unique position to offer a message of support to breastfeeding mothers or those interested in learning more. Rep. Holley joins us in applauding congregations that take actions to become Breastfeeding-Friendly. These congregations are rewarded with a “Breastfeeding-Friendly Congregation” certificate and the opportunity to apply for a mini-grant to further their efforts. We value Rep. Holley’s support and appreciate the significance her endorsement represents for the constituents of District 38 and beyond .