Thank you for joining the Partners in Health and Wholeness Book Club. You can officially sign-up here. Through it, we hope to engage people of faith in discussions over why our health matters. Our current choice of reading is “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire” by Jim Cymbala. We are posting updates through the PHW Facebook page, but our PHW blog page has the discussion posts in full with responses from staff. Just look for the apple on top of the book picture among the blog post pictures and you will find past Book Club entries.
Being “boldly faithful to God’s Word” is what Cymbala is encouraging. It is not only enough to pray for a change, but to actually change. And it is not only enough to change, but to encourage others to change as well. Wow. Now I know why Paul fervently prayed for boldness and asked others to join in prayer for him. Being bold is courageous. It is courageous because every time you are, you risk being criticized or even harmed.
People of faith, we are facing a time when our choice to eat healthy foods will be taken from us because there will be no more resources to sustain growing food. We are depleting our natural resources and harming our children. Our youngest generation could to die before their parents—all because of the illnesses that are brought on by food and beverage choices. Be bold — grow food.
Would you consider growing an herb (e.g. basil, thyme, oregano) inside your home as an expression of supporting healthy changes?
1) What healthy changes could you make starting right now?
2) What healthy changes could you and your household start right now?
3) What type of support will you need that I could offer you?
–Joy Williams, PHW Regional Consultant
Partners in Health and Wholeness is an initiative of the North Carolina Council of Churches. PHW aims to connect health as a faith issue. Please visit our website to sign your personal pledge to be healthier, and to find out about grant opportunities for places of worship in NC.