Cindy Taylor and Sheila Menendez of Troy, NC planned a spectacular day of taste testing and health pledge signing. Their respective organizations, Bodies for Christ United and Montgomery County Farmers Market Association, worked with Partners in Health and Wholeness to promote health among people of faith on July 19 in Troy. PHW led a children’s ‘Be A Star’ event where children marked a map of Troy to show centers of physical activity and healthy eating.
The North Carolina Council of Churches’ Farmworker Ministry Committee and Come To the Table assisted PHW in leading the children’s activity. Daryn Lane, the Council’s summer intern from Student Action with Farmworkers, played an integral role in rounding up children and encouraging positive discussions. Sarah Gibson, Americorps/Vista intern with Come To the Table, helped supply PHW with informative literature on community gardens and CSA’s to distribute.
Integrating the Council programs together in ways that are meaningful and trustworthy is what we are looking to do in the future. I hope to bring you even more news of ways that the Council programs are joining forces to build resources within communities.
As for now, comments of the event on July 19th ranged from, ‘I’m so glad you all are in our community’ to ‘please come back again’.
Please continue to follow what is happening in Troy. PHW hopes to collaborate on many more projects that we expect to announce soon.
–Joy Williams, PHW Regional Consultant
Partners in Health and Wholeness is an initiative of the NC Council of Churches. Please visit our website to view more resources on health and faith.