If your congregation is looking for a fun, creative way to combat childhood obesity, then the NFL – that’s right, the National Football League – has just the answer for you! The NFL is partnering with schools and community organizations, including churches, across the country to host a FREE skills competition for boys and girls ages 6 to 15 called, “Punt, Pass and Kick” (PPK).
PPK is considered NFL’s largest grassroots program in the country, now celebrating its 50th year. If your congregation would like to host a local competition in 2011, please visit: http://www.nflppk.com/competitions/local/create. Once you register, you will receive a PPK administrative kit which includes:
- Ribbons for first, second and third place winners
- Footballs (one of each size needed)
- Kicking tees
- Promotional posters
For more information about NFL PPK, please visit their website at http://www.nflppk.com/ or contact North Carolina’s PPK State Chair, Michelle Wells, at michelle@ncrpa.net. To read about another NFL initiative which challenges youth to be physically active for at least 60 minutes per day, please visit: http://www.nfl.com/play60.
Together, we can make a difference… and have fun while doing it!
-Willona Stallings, PHW Program Coordinator