The first step to joining The PHW Collaborative is completing a Collaborative Pledge form. Click here to get started.
For the basics on The PHW Collaborative, click here.
I work with a health-related non-profit. Are we eligible to join The PHW Collaborative?
Sorry, no. Due to our grant guidelines, we are unable to support non-profit agencies. We would love to work with you as a partner organization, though! Contact for more info.
Does my congregation have to be a part of the NC Council of Churches to be a part of the Collaborative?
No. Although you may be without knowing it—here is a list of our member denominations.
Does my congregation have to be a Christian denomination to be a part of the Collaborative?
No, the PHW Collaborative Pledge is open to any worshipping community. Due to our roots with the NC Council of Churches, much of the language used on our website and in our worship materials are of the Christian tradition. However, we welcome and encourage ALL worshipping communities to make positive changes to improve health by submitting a Collaborative Pledge and applying for a PHW mini-grant or Community mini-grant.
Why should my faith community submit a PHW Collaborative Pledge?
Submitting a PHW Collaborative Pledge is a great way for your congregation to be recognized for the work being done to promote health and wholeness in your faith community. Whether you are just starting a health initiative or have an established one, you can celebrate your efforts to serve healthier meals, decrease tobacco use among congregants, increase physical activity, address mental health concerns, and more.
Becoming involved in the PHW Collaborative can also be a motivating tool for your congregation. Not only is making the PHW Collaborative Pledge from year to year an accomplishment, but it also presents the opportunity to improve and expand health efforts within a network of dedicated congregations across the state. Being a part of the PHW network also offers you a great resource through our PHW team members and access to health webinars throughout the year. To learn more about our team focus areas please click here. We are continuously trying to improve our efforts and resources. Please do not hesitate to contact us with a health and wholeness question.
Submitting a PHW Collaborative Pledge also makes your congregation eligible to apply for a mini-grant. Click here to learn more about our grants.
Who is the health lead?
The health lead is the contact person at your congregation who is part of the health ministry and is dedicated to completing form submissions and maintaining the relationship with Partners of Health and Wholeness. The health lead is also the person who should ask the clergy person to submit a Clergy Commitment. The health lead and clergy person may be the same person. We recommend finding a health lead who is not the clergy person because we want to respect the set of responsibilities that clergy already have on their plate.
When my congregation’s PHW Collaborative Pledge has been accepted, am I automatically approved for a PHW mini-grant?
No. You will need to complete a separate mini-grant application during one of the open mini-grant cycles. Click here to learn more about grants.
When will I hear back after I submit my PHW Collaborative Pledge form?
Please allow at least three weeks for your Collaborative Pledge to be processed. This time frame could be longer during peak periods or holidays.
Who is eligible for a mini-grant?
Before you are eligible to apply for a mini-grant, you must have submitted a PHW Collaborative Pledge within the past 12 months. Each congregation is eligible to apply for a mini-grant once every 12 months.
Eligibility for mini-grant funds are based on the following requirements:
- Your congregation must have submitted a PHW Collaborative Pledge within the last 12 months prior to applying for a PHW mini-grant. NOTE: If you are unsure when the last PHW Collaborative Pledge was submitted from your congregation, email our Program Coordinator at
- Your congregation cannot have received a PHW mini-grant in the last 12 months.
- A new PHW Collaborative Pledge must be submitted and accepted before each mini-grant application
- The mini-grant must be used to support your congregation’s health ministry and it’s mission.
Please give mindful consideration to the amount that you request. Allocated funds will be shared across our state and are limited. Some grants may be partially funded depending on need, response, and availability.
What can I use my mini-grant for?
The mini-grant must be used to support your congregation’s health ministry and it’s mission. The mini-grant should be used for projects that engage the congregants and fulfill a health need in the church and in the surrounding community. Once you have received the mini-grant check it must be used to fulfill the health and wholeness activities outlined and approved in your mini-grant application.
Below is a list of items that we partially fund or do not fund. Please read through this list before submitting your PHW Mini-Grant application. We encourage our congregations to seek local and low/no-cost resources to fulfill their health ministry needs. We also understand that it is not always an option. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to or one of our PHW team members.
- Pamphlets: Needs-based – Many organizations offer low or no cost pamphlets
- Books: Needs-based – Please reach out to PHW about specific books
- DVDs: Needs-based – Please reach out to PHW about specific DVDs
- Door prizes & incentives i.e. T-shirts, awards: up to 33% of the total budget – If direct connection to health ministry is clear
- Copies: Needs-based – If direct connection to health ministry is clear
- Copier ink: up to 33% of the total budget
- Presenters: Needs-based – preference towards PHW staff, local specialists, or low-cost presenters
- Technology: Needs-based – If direct connection to health ministry is made clear
- Office Furniture: We do not fund
- Rent: We do not fund
- Utilities: We do not fund
- Salary: We do not fund
To access a more detailed list of mini-grant ideas we typically do fund, click here.
Is submitting a PHW Collaborative Pledge the same as applying for a mini-grant? (Is there a separate mini-grant application?)
No, applying for the submitting a Collaborative Pledge and applying for a PHW Mini-Grant is not the same thing. There is a separate mini-grant application. Before you are eligible to apply for a mini-grant, you must have submitted a PHW Collaborative Pledge within the past 12 months. Once your PHW Collaborative Pledge is accepted, you will receive information about applying for a mini-grant.
Who should submit the mini-grant application?
We recommend that your congregation health lead (a designated contact person in your health ministry) who completed the PHW Collaborative Pledge submit the mini-grant application. However, sometimes the clergy person or another person involved with the health initiatives will submit the application if your designated church health lead is unable. Please note we update our congregation contact information based on the most recent form.
Does my congregation have to be a Christian denomination to receive a mini-grant?
No, similar to the PHW Collaborative Pledge, our mini-grant program is open to any worshipping community or congregation.
How do I submit my mini-grant application?
Mini-grant applications are accepted via online form. You will receive instructions on how to apply online in your Collaborative Pledge acceptance email.
How do I know what to put in my mini-grant application?
We do our best to explain each of our application questions in detail. If you have any questions or concerns about the application please reach out to or one of our PHW team members.
When will I hear back after I submit my mini-grant application?
Grant decisions will be made at the end of each grant cycle, and you will be notified after that date. Your grant application will contain information on notification schedules.
Who will the mini-grant check be made out/sent to?
The check is made out to and sent to the mailing address for the faith community, c/o your faith community’s health lead.
Once awarded, who is responsible for managing the mini-grant funding?
Applying for and accepting a mini-grant means that all parties involved (i.e. faith leader, PHW health lead, secretary and/or treasurer) will adhere to the requirements and will work together to ensure mini-grant activities are successfully completed, and the funds are administered properly and in a timely fashion.
If for any reason the funds cannot be used as intended per your grant application, the funds must be returned to PHW immediately.
Do I have to keep receipts for spending the mini-grant?
Yes. Complete and accurate records should be kept for all grant fund spending. We may or may not ask to see your records once your project has been completed.
Do I have to provide information about how the mini-grant was used?
While we do not formally require grant reporting at this time, we hope you will keep us up-to-date on your project as it progresses. We’d love to see photos and share them with our network!
Can funds be transferred if the faith or health lead transitions to a new congregation?
No. Grant funds are awarded to the faith community, not to individuals.